Discover Ireland

Places of interest outside Dublin


Tuesday, 10 April 2012

All work, no play? No way!

BY B. SIEJA, H. KUBO Turning twenty one opens up a new world for you. Now you have to learn how to balance work and play. Dublin City University just celebrated its 21st birthday and is one of the youngest universities in Ireland. As such, it offers lots of events and entertainment. There is something for everyone, particularly newly arrived international students, allowing you to both study and socialise.  Academic life NuBar...

Monday, 9 April 2012

Student accommodation

BY H. KUBO, M. MIYAMURA, J. TREILLAUD On campus If you want to live on campus, DCU Campus Residences Ltd. offers three choices for incoming students. You can choose among Larkfield Apartments, Hampstead Apartments and College Park Apartments. Each accommodation has sets of 5 rooms and 1 dining room with a kitchen, so a maximum of 5 students can share one flat. In addition, each room has a study space and access to the Internet. If you...

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Saddle up in Dublin

BY B. TROPE  Newly arrived international students to DCU can find deciphering the public transport system in Dublin a maddingly frustrating experience.  If you have arrived to Ireland from a home which can boast sleek modes of public transport which invariably arrive on time, brace yourself. Looking for a greener option? by B. Trope The primary mode of public transportation utilized by Dubliners and students of DCU alike is...

The Inter Faith Centre: A home away from home

BY B. SIEJA, F. BENDER, A. INHARJANTO  DCU does its best to help and support new international students. DCU wants you to feel welcome, safe and happy therefore it offers many facilities across campus to reduce your stress and make you feel more at home. One of those places is located at the heart of the campus, the Inter Faith Centre. It’s cosy, it’s quiet and everybody is welcome. Joe and Susan welcome everyone by B. Sieja, F. Bender...

Getting around

BY F. BENDER One of the first problems new students face when they arrive at Dublin Airport is how to get to where they want to go. It is not easy to find your way around an unfamiliar town but with a little preparation you will quickly get the hang of it. There are three public transport systems in Dublin:  The Luas The DART Dublin Bus The Luas by B. Vysoky The Luas is a tram that runs on two lines: the Red and the Green line....